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Posts Tagged ‘islands’


Possessing an incomparable knowledge of the plant and animal life surrounding, the Mentawai Shaman, the Sikerei, preserve a great understanding of how almost every species found there can, or can't, be utilized in support of their existence; which, when residing on the island of Siberut, one of the world's richest biodiversity hotspots, this is, for lack of a better term, →


If I may, I'd like to digress slightly from the philanthropic austerities of recent posts. Yes the Indigenous Mentawai communities face exploitation of their human rights, and yes, raising awareness to help support and address this issue is an extremely important part of the project, sure. However, it's not that which first captured my imagination and interest in the people →


I'd like to share some exciting news, and extend a special thanks to the generous folk at Coffey International, who, through their charitable organization - GLOBALQUEST, have decided to select the Community Support Program as a project they wish to offer development and financial support to, in 2011. The vision of GLOBALQUEST, a charity initiated and managed voluntarily by Coffey →


SURFAID INTERNATIONAL and the people of Mentawai are in need of our help. The latest news from a friend currently located in the islands, tells of the damage caused by the Tsunami being far worse than anticipated. “Many villages are badly affected, and the death toll is still rising by the day. Obviously the logistical difficulties of the islands are making it →


Where do I begin then, I wondered, after fastidiously critiquing then dismissing several written introductory attempts through discontentment, or better yet, unworthiness. Nervous perhaps? Likely. Gosh, I want to introduce here a person, a friend, who (unknowingly) played a monumental role in that which lead to my being where I am today - mentally, so it is of some importance →


In other news, and after briefly catching up with myself over the weekend, here's what I had to say regarding the films progress: "How is the film coming along, Rob?" "Well, it" "Coming along well?" "Yes it is well, however" "That's wonderful to hear, Rob, but when will the film be finished?" "WELL BASICALLY, I've completed as much of the post-production as independently possible, →


In light of the previous post, and its mention to the earthquake that struck parts of western Sumatra in 2009, I figured this an appropriate segway to share a few images I’d taken in Padang, a day or so after the tragedy. You see, this also happened to be the exact time my then partner, Fern, had come to visit. A →


Alongside the film, I am working on the development of an Indigenous community support program, which will focus on the Siberut region. Having had very little experience in the not-for-profit organizational sector personally, and knowing that outside support will play a critical role in realizing this, I was extremely grateful to Matthew and Anastacia from SURFAID INTERNATIONAL who generously →


This week saw the first test screening of BUI MAREUREU BAAP as worlds divide. Thanks to all the members of Melbourne's Doco3000 group that gave their time and valuable feedback, a great amount was gained from the discussion that followed. Stay tuned for further developments.


Hunting - an integral part of the traditional Mentawai lifestyle sees the hand crafted bow and arrow as the most commonly used method for fatally wounding their prey. So how could a handmade arrow possibly stop a rampaging wild boar? Well, by gathering a selected mixture of flora from the nearby jungle, the huntsmen are able to extract a poisonous →


Landing in this new island habitat saw a sudden and significant change to my diet. The transition period for the first month would result in diminished energy levels; provoking a need to learn the art of fishing – an important survival skill for those residing by the ocean. Fortunately Si Hen and a couple of experienced fisherman in the village →


The people living in this small coconut farming village had had very little interaction with white fellows prior to me, so upon arriving I quickly found that I would be surrounded by villagers at almost all times of the day/evening. This was great as it enabled me to learn about their lifestyle, but also quite difficult due to the language →


Editing is underway… slowly. I’m finding it very difficult to sit in front of the computer for extended periods and, for whatever reason, I’ve taken to running in the bush. If my head becomes sore it suggests that I run - so I do. I’ve been running further and further everyday, and I quite enjoy it. I might even invest →


I’ve returned home from the Mentawai Islands where I’ve been living for 18 months. What an amazing experience it's been. I’m thinking a great deal about the lifestyle and my friends I’ve left behind there. These people are incredible. I can’t even begin to describe how much I’ve learnt from them and this experience, in so many aspects. It'll →

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